Meet one of the most popular animals at the SeaWorld parks – dolphins. This group of animals includes dozens of different species found all around the globe, including the popular Atlantic bottlenose dolphin. Dolphin species everywhere need our help in curbing pollution, protecting precious habitats, and supporting sustainable fisheries.
Dive in and learn about the Delphinidae family
Dolphin Resources

Animal InfoBooks: Bottlenose Dolphins
Learn all about bottlenose dolphins, one of the most popular and beloved marine mammals. Dive deeper into scientific classifications, specialized adaptations, what these amazing animals eat, and more.

Animal InfoBooks: Commerson's Dolphins
Get to know more about Commerson's Dolphins, including information on their scientific classifications, specialized adaptations, what these amazing animals eat, and more.

Animal InfoBooks: Killer Whales
Did you know Killer Whales are actually dolphins? Learn more about the largest members of the Delphinidae family, including information on their scientific classifications, specialized adaptations, what these amazing animals eat, and more.

Animal Bytes
Check out these one-page fact sheets about these incredible cetaceans.

Schooling at home? Keep your students engaged with these dolphin-themed classroom activities.
Kindergarten - 4th Grade:
5th Grade - 8th Grade:
9th Grade - 12th Grade:

Animal Sounds
Dolphins make many different sounds to navigate, communicate, and hunt. Check out these sounds, plus more on
Bottlenose Dolphin
Killer Whale

Teacher Guides
Dive deeper into math and science with these teacher guides. They're chock-full of helpful activities, vocabulary words, and reading to engage you and your children.